Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Celebrating VDAY!

VDAY 2-14- is a global movement to end violence against women and girls. VDAY is an opportunity for women and those that love them to stand together, celebrate women and girls and at the same time demand an end to the violence against women and girls worldwide. 

VDAY has a vision of bringing the world together through song and dance in hopes of strengthening the feminine and raising awareness to her plight. Far too many females of all ages worldwide fall victim to abuse, violence and neglect. But we are many and together we can find the strength, courage and compassion to find our voice and open our arms wide enough to embrace the world. 

There will be events this year all over the world. You can look for local Los Angeles listing on our EMPOWERMENT.WS website under Programs/Events. You can also check out the VDAY website for more info and listing of events worldwide. If events aren't your thing, I encourage you to find a way to celebrate your own version of VDAY. You can write a poem, dance, connect with girlfriends, celebrate with your mothers and daughters. It doesn't matter what you do. What matters is that you give yourself an opportunity to make your voice stronger and to feel the connection.
Woman is the vessel 
that brings forth life. 
She is the continuum 
of the past to the present 
the farmer of the future. 
She plants the seeds 
that will grow the world. 
She is our mother, 
our sister, 
our friend. 
Because she is, 
we are. 
~Aurora Ferrer


VDAY: A global movement to end violence against women and girls

One Billion Rising Website:
VDAY Website:
VDAY Youtube Channel:
VDAY on Facebook:

RISE, RELEASE, and DANCE to demand justice and end impunity! Visit for more info.
To end violence against women and girls worldwide.
Company Overview
V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. V-Day is a catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop violence against women and girls, including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sex slavery.

Through V-Day campaigns, local volunteers and college students produce annual benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues, A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer, Any One Of Us: Words From Prison, screenings of V-Day's documentary Until The Violence Stops, and the PBS documentary What I Want My Words To Do To You, Spotlight Teach-Ins and V-Men workshops, to raise awareness and funds for anti-violence groups within their own communities. In 2012, over 5,800 V-Day benefit events took place produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls.

Aurora's Women's Empowerment Program
Intellectual Body ~ Physical Body ~ Emotional Body ~ Spiritual Body
Aurora's Women’s Empowerment is a unique women’s self-defense program that views the mind, body, emotions and spirit as equally important components to develop for personal growth and physical safety. Thank you for visiting and for honoring the feminine. 

For more information about our Women's Empowerment Organization:

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