Monday, November 18, 2013

My first Women's Empowerment Post

I am grateful for this opportunity to welcome you to my new blog. I have been passionate about women's rights, health and safety issues for decades and have taught my style or system of women's self-defense called Aurora's Women's Empowerment for more than 20 years. I hope that you will find my future blog posts informative and inspiring. 

I will not only share some of my Women's Empowerment program here but will also share other organizations and business that honor, celebrate and uplift the feminine. I hope that this blog and my upcoming website will be a resource for women and girls all around the world. 

I believe that if we each do our part to share our knowledge, our services or our talents with our sisters around the world we can make a lasting and sustainable impact in bettering the lives of women everywhere. 

In most cultures women are the parent most actively raising the children and tending to family matters so by helping raise each other up we are creating a better future for both boys and girls. 

That is why I will be sharing some of my Women's Empowerment Program for free on this blog. I have faith in the power of generosity and know that whatever I share that is of use in helping another will be returned in kind.

I look forward to you comments and suggestions as I post my work and share the work of others I admire. Together we can make a difference. 

Thank you for reading my post. 

Thank you for honoring the feminine.

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